February 28, 2011
Why are companies risking the success of their products—or even the companies themselves—to an afterthought?January 31, 2011
Because of America’s predominant role in worldwide hi-tech industries, English is the de facto language for embedded systems developers.December 31, 2010
Something as seemingly innocuous as moving bits around in a register can have a serious impact on firmware.November 5, 2010
But what about software and firmware engineers? Those bits don’t pollute the environment. So how can they be green in their designs?October 30, 2010
Businesses plan ahead for 3 to 5 years from now. They don’t focus solely on maximizing this quarter’s results.September 30, 2010
Why do you carry insurance on your car (besides that the law requires it)? Why pay the insurance premium? Do you want to collect it?August 31, 2010
In the game of golf, the golfer selects the club, and checks several aspects. He is anticipating the impact of his club on the ball.July 31, 2010
Designing for compatibility means to facilitate the ability for any version of firmware and any version of hardware to be paired up.July 14, 2010
Verification is just one of many steps in the development life cycle of a silicon product, but tools cannot address all concerns.June 30, 2010
Proper balance between hardware and firmware depends on the given product and constraints. It requires studying the tradeoffs.