Software and Firmware Expert Witness and Consulting
Gary is a thought leader in designing and testing software, firmware, and hardware. (Firmware is software that runs machines and devices.) He has over 30 total years of professional engineering experience. This includes 15 years with Hewlett-Packard’s LaserJet printer design lab, which, among other things, resulted in 12 US patents and 15 defensive articles. Gary is the author of the key textbook in hardware/firmware interface design, newsletters, and other articles. He is an experienced expert witness.
Gary’s expert witness experience includes cases that have involved infringement and violations of patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property, as well as cases regarding defective products. His work as an expert witness typically involves the examination of software source code and hardware designs, as well as reverse engineering the designs of others. He has written expert reports and testified at depositions and trials.

The following is a partial list of Gary’s skills, abilities, and experience:
- Assembly Language
- C
- C++
- Claim Charting
- CodeSuite
- Device Drivers
- Embedded Software
- Embedded Systems
- Forensics
- Git
- Linux
- Microprocessor
- Processor
- Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
- Shell Scripts
- Software Engineering
- Software Forensics
For more details, see the CV.
Relevant Articles
- Ten Strategies for Software IP Litigation.
- Copyright Infringement of Software, specifically, software source code.
- Patent Infringement of Software written in any language.
- Trade Secret Misappropriation of Software source code.
- Is Your Safety Net an Afterthought? Was the product adequately designed?
- Masters of Science in Engineering. Utah State University. 1985.
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. Brigham Young University. 1983.