
February 27, 2010

Testing Device Drivers

I recently asked the owner of a device driver what type of information about the hardware settings does the device driver return to the application after each job. I was asking about one particular piece of information, a setting that the application tells the device driver to configure in the […]
July 12, 2016
Insulation cut away to expose the +5V wire

Not All USB Cables Are Created Equal

Could you be wasting money on the next USB cable you buy? It’s possible. Maybe even probable. Recently I needed to monitor the current flow through a USB cable charging the battery in a USB device as part of a patent claim analysis. I used an oscilloscope with data-collection capabilities […]
July 28, 2016
Traffic through construction zone

Can Autonomous Cars Make Split Decisions?

While many people wonder if they’re ready for self-driving cars, maybe we ought to be asking, “Are autonomous cars ready for us to use?” With almost daily headlines about such cars getting into accidents, it’s clear that they still struggle to discern conflicting data which we humans even struggle resolving. […]